Pat Buchanan Says Oslo Shooter’s Views “May Be Right”

Fears of “cultural Marxism” have a long pedigree in this country. It’s a conspiratorial kind of “political correctness” on steroids — a covert assault on the American way of life that allegedly has been developed by the left over the course of the last 70 years. Those who use the term posit that a small group of German philosophers, all Jews who fled Germany and went to Columbia University in the 1930s to found the Frankfurt School, devised a cultural form of “Marxism” aimed at subverting Western civilization. The method involves manipulating the culture into supporting homosexuality, sex education, egalitarianism, and the like, to the point that traditional institutions and culture are ultimately wrecked.
A number of hate groups, including the racist Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), have raised the specter of cultural Marxism as a way to explain contemporary events (click here to watch the CCC’s DVD on the theory). But Buchanan is probably the most prominent advocate, and certainly the only one with access to the mainstream media. He is featured prominently on, where film clips and blurbs explain why cultural Marxism threatens the West.

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